Eternity or Light of Eternity...What is Eternity? Where is Eternity? When is Eternity? All these questions I believe are one of the profound preoccupations for all of our higher-selves...thus is a question that doesn’t have answer...or maybe it has. A very simple one. ETERNITY is WHITE = LIGHT = TRANSPARENCE. WHITE is a colour that DOES NOT EXIST in nature, but yes, WHITE consists all the other colours of the palette of colours. When you carefully examine the Dune in the Sky, you DO see all the colours...So it is the case with this one, in form of artwork. The main idea is to ask the observer, actually to provoke and to challenge raising the thought – what is ETERNITY? Are our souls Eternal? Is it the essential Energy that is Eternal and the material is just – material. The memory of material is short, but the memory of our souls is Eternal. We don’t have to know things – our souls know them better. ETERNITY is a call to every soul, to drawn deeper in ourselves and to search, to research, to find, to conclude, to decide, to evoke, to create, to innovate, to propose, to develop, to establish one-self precisely in this World, finding the purpose of life and the unique mission…
(*Previosly exhibited at State Art Gallery of India – Andra Pradesh, Hyderabad March 2011; Celeste Prize Awards 2010; First time exhibited for The European Biennial for Young Artists – BJCEM, September 2009)